
Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Right now I am feeling like I have the motivation to get the house nice. Sometimes something just comes over me, and I think it was our day shopping trip yesterday. I got to go into the antique mall and look at all their pretty presentations and furniture. Everything is always so beautifully set up. After literally all day shopping, my hips and feet killed so needless to say I was really tired and feel like I rested well last night. Today, clothes are on the agenda, sheets, and of course putting all the gifts away in their proper spots. Maybe even cleaning out some toys that are unnecessary.  Santa gave me a bunch of kitchen accessories, like metal spatulas, whisks, silicon spatulas, and when I went shopping yesterday I got some hand towels half priced. I am getting extremely giddy about our possible kitchen redo. Although it is just merely "talk" for now, I am feeling horribly selfish and wanting it asap! We are waiting on bids from contractors and the biggest question is the upcoming year of farming. I felt like God has given us both peace for a kitchen redo-, at least sometime, and if it's not within this year or two, at least we can plan exactly what we want and save if needed. (But I want it soon!)

For my birthday we don't have anything planned because my nephew as a tournament and I don't really want to go shopping again, so I'm not sure what we'll do. My dream birthday would be a clean house and be able to work on some quilting projects or things that I don't normally take time to do. I also requested spaghetti and garlic toast for supper so I am excited about that! Lots of work ahead of me and would like to do some crafts with the kids... so better go!

Christmas Is Here!

Yesterday I had a dentist appointment.  It was a relief to be able to leave the house but because I had to wait until Peter got home from work, I got a late start to finishing my Christmas shopping. It was really nice to be able to shop for a little bit on my own. I had to finish up buying for my parents and some stocking stuffers for Peter. Macy's had a huge one day sale, and there were so many nice dishes I wanted! The sale is done now, but 40% off these pink  Martha Stewart dessert plates.I thought about buying them for myself, but thought that might be bad so I put them back. Then I tried to think of who I could buy them for, but I already had gotten gifts! If only I had bought them for a shower or future present. Oh well. Anyway, I went to my appointment and the hygienist kindly told me I have to take better care of my teeth. I wasn't offended... I know what I have to do.  When I'm at home, I forget to brush in the morning after I eat. Then I end up going the whole day without brushing. So, my new years resolution is to take better care of my teeth.

I got home around 5:45 and my oldest sister came over to help me with some things. When I came home she was working on that, and Peter had done the dishes, and cleaned out the fridge! It is so nice to have help when we really need it.  Now today, I think we will roll out the rest of our cookies and hopefully that will be fun for the kids, and I just have a few other things on my list.  So far I'm doing well with my Week of Random Acts of Kindness. Some of the things are out of my comfort level, but then it feels so good after i'm done. Here's to hoping/praying the day goes well today.... we're celebrating our family Christmas tonight.

Our home, December 20th, 2011.

Monday, December 19, 2011

building up the church

 I can tell this week that the baby is really growing. I have been more tired than normal and still experiencing quite a lot of kicks....mostly lower which tells me baby is still breech.  I just don't know what to expect! I am a little worried that I'll have to deliver via C-Section but if that's what's best, I've got to be trusting. Plus, not everything is going to go my way.  Monday afternoon we went to make homemade root beer. I didn't really help; just went along for support and a photo op.  Tuesday night we went to a basketball game, which doesn't happen too often.

Wednesday I hosted my Girls Night Out group. I can admit that I was not excited for all the work of hosting so I tried to downplay a lot of things.... I didn't care as much about housework, but enough to show that it can be neat... I made food that was incredibly easy. I opted to buy bread instead of make it.... that saved loads of time and energy washing dishes, and I even took a nap that day, which I wouldn't ever dream of doing. Even Peter noticed my lack of motivation and energy... I didn't even get the Netflix movie sent out--at all this week. All I had to do was throw it in our mail box. I didn't even have to put on a stamp!  Or better yet... I could have handed it to Peter to bring to the mailbox. Ha. Anyway, I was beyond blessed after I had been griping to God and to Peter about being hospitable and how it was just another thing to have to do this week (because I was so physically drained).  I had tons of fun.  We had lots of things to talk about, it was so nice to just catch up with everyone, and when I went to serve dessert and clear plates, they said "We're doing dishes for you this year". And that was that. I nearly choked. I sputtered in disbelief, literately.   It just really showed me how much God blesses us when we do what He asks of us. Not a coincident, Nancy Leigh DeMoss was talking about our role in hospitality pretty much the whole week. I got to listen to some of it but not as much as I would have liked to, Again, it made me ashamed of my griping.  I got to share the devotion that Peter and I are going through each night (Night Light, by James Dobson) and a few asked to see the book. I also started a home journal within the last year, and though it is NOT intended for compliment ( just a record for events or guests that walk through the door) I was overwhelmed with nice notes everyone had written. There was especially one who had written about the devotion I had talked about and how she'd love to grow closer to God with her husband.  Like I said... a blessing.

Then today we went to my nieces 13rh birthday party at the bowling alley.  It is really a good chance to be able to see my brother who just lives in TR. We especially don't make the time to go and see them and I wish we did more of that. They visit a lot more than we do. Anyway, so we went to church in TR too, and I took these pictures. Every single time I go there I am moved to the point of almost weeping tears of joy. The music is so powerful and I just enjoy everyone's heart for Christ. I am glad I can attend two very challenging churches, meaning they give examples of how you can apply the message to your life, which is key! Epiphany Station on facebook.

Anyway, baby was kicking up a storm before bed so I couldn't quite fall asleep. Plus, every time I've had kind of a "oooh....." moment with God, I feel like he nudges me to blog about it.  My ooh moment today was being challenged in church. Pastor Jeff talked about practical ways we GIVE. Tis the season..... but most of us think of what material gifts we can give. And just because we have a giving heart to bless others, which God loves, he also loves when we can give in ways that build up people. Spending less on things we might not need (like 20 gifts for the kids who already have bins and bins of toys) but maybe giving a gift to someone who needs it.  Anyway, my drawback in sharing of course is my fear that people might be annoyed of boasting or thinking I am trying to build up or glorify myself. Wrong! I was encouraged by tonight's reading (which i re-read 1 Corinthians 13-15) and it just talked about building up the church. Building up the church. The church is us.

On the other hand, the one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation. 14: 3

I think it might have been the commentary I read but basically it said if we do not share, we cannot challenge or encourage other believers. So, I hope you feel challenged, too, to do random acts of kindness, with Jesus in mind. This isn't much but even today when I was standing in line, I challenged myself to just do something nice for someone... who could I help? so I let this man go ahead of me in line, and I did it with such joy in my heart. It just felt so good. And honestly, he was shocked. Isn't that sad? We need to do more nice things.  My goal this week? One act of kindness per day for 5 days. I've already got a whole page of ideas!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


this morning my time with Jesus was sweet.  I went to my triad last night and admitted my failings of reading regularly and also my discouragements. I'm feeling discouraged in sharing the music that God puts on my heart in church as I know some think it might bring glory to the person who is singing, and not to God, which I can understand.

It is fairly hard for me to write a post about this because in so many ways I feel like I am not qualified to sing. There have been more than half of my experiences singing in church or weddings, etc, that I've come off the stage and cried because of how badly I thought I did. It really is a true story. If there is anyone less proud, it is me. There was even one time I was singing in our worship team (right in the sanctuary) that I felt Satan say as plain as day "What are you doing up here.... you can't sing." and I was blown away. Every time I say to myself I'm just not going to sing anymore, I keep getting invitations that are hard to turn down. No matter how much I feel I am not good enough or worry that when I do sing, people might think Why on earth is she up there... does she think she can sing?, I feel like I still get opportunities and that God might still want me to pursue it, just even for the sharing part of it. No, I don't have a super good voice like Kari Jobe, and no, I am definitely not proud, but sometimes we have to do what God calls us to do, especially when he puts a love in our hearts for it.

"What then shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church."
1 Corinthians 14: 26

Another verse (15-17, Chapter 14) talks about how we all have gifts, but what good are they if they are in our minds and no one can say "Amen" to our thanksgiving? We may be giving thanks, but the other person is not edified. That is the whole point of having spiritual gifts! So that others might be blessed!!

Anyway, that was just an encouragement to me. I want to share this with my triad group because we need to share when we are encouraged so that others might be encouraged too! It just really filled a void for me this morning... that even when I am not faithful in my readings to God, he is always so faithful to me in answering my concerns about my services here on earth.  Such a blessing this morning, truly.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


I really wish I could just whip up a hat. But crocheting really is tough to learn! I am getting the hang of it, though.... so that is the main thing. My ultimate goal is to make a newborn hat for the baby.... and I plan to make it blue. Not because I think/know that it is a boy.... I just think it would be fun to have something blue made. We have so many girl things.... plus, maybe I can talk one of my church friends to knit me a baby girl hat if we have a girl! I am pretty sure that it will take me the whole 4+ months to make a boy hat.  I tried starting a hat the other day, and it went pretty good... I just have this certain pattern I want to go by and I am not sure what it means... so for now I need to practice my chains and get good at those. I decided to make a scarf with this piece. It is about 5x the size of this photo now.

 Here I am, at 20 weeks. Half way done. I know I have no right to complain and am extremely grateful (I really am) that I am carrying a child.... but I am also very excited to have my body back. It hasn't been much fun to sit or even relax lately, and I have a long ways to go, Lord willing. That is my hope anyway... I'd much rather keep the baby inside an uncomfortable belly than in an incubator. I am experiencing different things with this pregnancy, including a very, very itchy chest! It is so weird to me. Plus, having an older child means listening to funny comments. Kate asked me if I had a baby in my butt (har har) and also commented on my polka-dot face.  Neither really bothered me too much because I know with some extra work I can get back to my old self after the baby is born.
And here are the thankful journals we made at church Saturday afternoon. It has been fun already to write in them. I am also using it as a new prayer/church notebook for notes on sermons and other thoughts.  The one I have now is too personal to bring everywhere.  That is all for now... I got to take a 2 hour nap today and i am still tired. Hopefully I can sleep well tonight!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Baby shoot

I didn't have much time at about 35 minutes but I think we got what we needed! 
I took over 100 but these are the favorites so far... not done editing.
I would have loved to do more.

its a..........

No, we didn't find out, but everything with baby turned out good today. I went into the ultrasound room preparing myself for something wrong with the heart, lungs, etc.  They did actually look at the heart for quite a while, trying to take pictures, but turns out baby was just in a bad position. The ultrasound took a whole hour and then another 45 minutes just to see Dr. Brown. We quickly ate and I stopped at Joannes for 10 minutes and went home. Before that, though,  my good friend Melissa had her baby a few weeks early (in the wrong town!) and so she asked me if I could take some photos of little Silas. It worked out perfectly because my appointment wasn't until 10am and we got there around 9:05. It wasn't the ideal amount of time at all-- in fact I know I could have gotten a bunch of different shots but I captured what she wanted and went on my way. I even got some of big sis and little brother. Aw, a combo I would love some day.  (heart)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

love my family

A lot has happened in this last few days. We went to Fargo on Thursday after school and Peter let me look at a couple stores by myself. (wow!) We were on the hunt specifically for bunk beds, a recliner, and track lighting for the living room.  We picked out bunk beds, the recliner I think we'll do, and track lighting is still a big "if" for us. We just can't seem to find one we like. If I like it, Peter doesn't, or it's too short, etc. The trip with the kids seemed very long, and it was really hard to be able to look at things with them. I mostly felt bad that they had to shop all day but most everything we did, they found something fun with it. For instance, the bunk bed shopping was really fun for them because they got to run around and try out all the beds and pretend they were sleeping, etc. They were just too wild and it was hard to remind them that it was a store and not our home! We visited Peter's aunt and so they got to play at least an hour there with all of her toys, and when we looked at recliners, they had a kid play area there and they seemed to have lots of fun.  I tried to remember to sanitize after each public visit. They also got lots of treats and kate even got some pop. We swam at the hotel yesterday morning and they both got to sleep in the same bed. I think Maddy kept Kate up though, so they were really tired yesterday.  As we unpacked our stuff last night, we somehow forgot our temperpedic pillows and my body pillow :( I hope we can get them back... when we called no one had brought it up yet. 

Peter had some things to return in the mall yesterday and so I took the girls so he could shop a little by himself, and we happened to find Santa, so we brought them there. Last year we failed to bring them so I thought it was a good idea to bring them, even if it was only the 2nd of December!

Today we plan to finish decorating the outside of the house for Christmas (garland, some lights, window boxes) I am really excited to get that done. Plus the house is kind of messy so it will be good to get that cleaned up a bit. Everyone seemed extra tired today since the kids slept til 8:30-8:45 and Peter is still sleeping now at 9am. I am glad for him. He is such a generous and loving guy. I feel like I am so undeserving.  Even though I do feel like at times I do a lot for him, he does show me in appreciation in his own way.  When we went through Grand Forks on our way to Fargo, he gave me some spending money for things I'd want to buy-- I actually teared up and started to cry. He let me shop for 45 minutes by myself, and honestly-- all day yesterday he kept telling me how stunning and beautiful I was.  Doesn't that seem like a dream?!  I wuv him!