
Sunday, December 11, 2011


I really wish I could just whip up a hat. But crocheting really is tough to learn! I am getting the hang of it, though.... so that is the main thing. My ultimate goal is to make a newborn hat for the baby.... and I plan to make it blue. Not because I think/know that it is a boy.... I just think it would be fun to have something blue made. We have so many girl things.... plus, maybe I can talk one of my church friends to knit me a baby girl hat if we have a girl! I am pretty sure that it will take me the whole 4+ months to make a boy hat.  I tried starting a hat the other day, and it went pretty good... I just have this certain pattern I want to go by and I am not sure what it means... so for now I need to practice my chains and get good at those. I decided to make a scarf with this piece. It is about 5x the size of this photo now.

 Here I am, at 20 weeks. Half way done. I know I have no right to complain and am extremely grateful (I really am) that I am carrying a child.... but I am also very excited to have my body back. It hasn't been much fun to sit or even relax lately, and I have a long ways to go, Lord willing. That is my hope anyway... I'd much rather keep the baby inside an uncomfortable belly than in an incubator. I am experiencing different things with this pregnancy, including a very, very itchy chest! It is so weird to me. Plus, having an older child means listening to funny comments. Kate asked me if I had a baby in my butt (har har) and also commented on my polka-dot face.  Neither really bothered me too much because I know with some extra work I can get back to my old self after the baby is born.
And here are the thankful journals we made at church Saturday afternoon. It has been fun already to write in them. I am also using it as a new prayer/church notebook for notes on sermons and other thoughts.  The one I have now is too personal to bring everywhere.  That is all for now... I got to take a 2 hour nap today and i am still tired. Hopefully I can sleep well tonight!

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