
Saturday, December 3, 2011

love my family

A lot has happened in this last few days. We went to Fargo on Thursday after school and Peter let me look at a couple stores by myself. (wow!) We were on the hunt specifically for bunk beds, a recliner, and track lighting for the living room.  We picked out bunk beds, the recliner I think we'll do, and track lighting is still a big "if" for us. We just can't seem to find one we like. If I like it, Peter doesn't, or it's too short, etc. The trip with the kids seemed very long, and it was really hard to be able to look at things with them. I mostly felt bad that they had to shop all day but most everything we did, they found something fun with it. For instance, the bunk bed shopping was really fun for them because they got to run around and try out all the beds and pretend they were sleeping, etc. They were just too wild and it was hard to remind them that it was a store and not our home! We visited Peter's aunt and so they got to play at least an hour there with all of her toys, and when we looked at recliners, they had a kid play area there and they seemed to have lots of fun.  I tried to remember to sanitize after each public visit. They also got lots of treats and kate even got some pop. We swam at the hotel yesterday morning and they both got to sleep in the same bed. I think Maddy kept Kate up though, so they were really tired yesterday.  As we unpacked our stuff last night, we somehow forgot our temperpedic pillows and my body pillow :( I hope we can get them back... when we called no one had brought it up yet. 

Peter had some things to return in the mall yesterday and so I took the girls so he could shop a little by himself, and we happened to find Santa, so we brought them there. Last year we failed to bring them so I thought it was a good idea to bring them, even if it was only the 2nd of December!

Today we plan to finish decorating the outside of the house for Christmas (garland, some lights, window boxes) I am really excited to get that done. Plus the house is kind of messy so it will be good to get that cleaned up a bit. Everyone seemed extra tired today since the kids slept til 8:30-8:45 and Peter is still sleeping now at 9am. I am glad for him. He is such a generous and loving guy. I feel like I am so undeserving.  Even though I do feel like at times I do a lot for him, he does show me in appreciation in his own way.  When we went through Grand Forks on our way to Fargo, he gave me some spending money for things I'd want to buy-- I actually teared up and started to cry. He let me shop for 45 minutes by myself, and honestly-- all day yesterday he kept telling me how stunning and beautiful I was.  Doesn't that seem like a dream?!  I wuv him!

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