
Thursday, September 8, 2011

growing up

I don't know if I've been blind the last year or so, but my Kate is growing up! Last night we went to her preschool meeting to introduce her to the teachers and her room.  I will admit, over the last year I've struggled, prayed and wondered where she'd go to school or if she'd stay at home with me.We did a test run last year( see here and here)  I really didn't feel God was leading me to that, but more-so to be teaching her about God and scripture. Lately it has been confirmed to me that preschool is just where she should be. She seems so terribly excited for it, and I couldn't bear to take that from her. I think she'll have lots of fun and it will be good for some Maddy and Me time!

The guys finished grain tonight, finally, and next it will be beans. Also, I can't even believe it, but soon it will be Chelsie (my sister in law)'s wedding! I feel like I am not quite prepared for it, though all I really have to do is get some shoes (check) get my dress (check) and help my mother in law with a few details (not quite a check). oh, I also have to get a dress altered that I plan to wear that weekend, which is also not a check. So, I do have a few things to do and normally I get things done with tons of time to spare but it seems like lately there's always something going on and things to do. This Saturday I am really looking forward to a Beth Moore simulcast, Sunday there is another bridal shower, Monday is triad, Tuesday is Kate's first day of preschool and then the rest of the Tuesdays will be a Beth Moore bible study that I might try to attend.  It is 8:30 now and I am fighting myself to get on the elliptical. 15 minutes really isn't that long, I'm just lazy. I'm glad I could tell you about my day/week and maybe later after I exercise I can upload some pictures I took over the last couple days.  More later!

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