
Monday, September 5, 2011

fun weekend

I am wishing right now that my photos were uploaded and all edited. also that my floors were washed and carpets vacuumed. It would be great if Kate's room was a little tidy(er). Butttttt, I can honestly say that I don't care! It is nice to not care. This week I am working on not being 'overwhelmed' and to do what I can, when I can. If it doesn't get done, oh well. My primary goal this week is to have meals prepared on time and in advance, and to exercise once in a while. It would be great if it were every day but I know that won't happen, so being hopeful for a couple days a week I think is a good goal. I also want to read more at night or during nap time and play more games with the kids. I don't think we always have to be on-the-go and doing something outside.

We had a really nice time visiting my sister in Bismark, ND. It was a long ride up there but the ride home was much better. We originally were only going to stay for one night, but we ran out of time on Saturday and decided we could do an extra night. It felt good for once, not having to pay for a hotel! Instead we treated my family to a meal which was also fun. I will most likely be visiting during beets (by myself though) so i am hoping that the ride there will be okay.  We visited the zoo and went to a carnival, which was also very fun. The kids even napped and we shopped for a little while. Peter even got some great labor day deals.  I think that is all for now... it's time for bed!

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