
Saturday, August 27, 2011


I hate that summer is practically over and it went so quickly because it was filled with events every week/every day. I think I'm ready for the fall, it's just that it usually means BEETS are looming closer and colder weather prevents us from being comfortable outside. I wonder what it would be like if we had 20 degree weather the whole winter? I would love to try it some time. Yesterday I cooked for the men and tried to space it out so that I wasn't doing everything all at once. Today we're making stuff again (pizzas this time) so that should hopefully be a little easier. I have a dessert crust in the oven right now for my friend's baby shower on Sunday, and last night after the kids went to bed I spent time making lists of things I need to do/bring. I have two games and a devotional I worked on. I still have to finish the banner I planned to bring and the runners, copy off all the games, and load everything in the car because after I bring out food, we are going straight there to decorate. I wish that I could spend time with Peter on Sunday afternoon, or even just take a much needed nap, but it will be fun to do the shower, too. I am really hoping that rain stays away so that we can finish early next week and maybe get to do something fun during the weekend. That would be a first, in a long time!

Monday is Emily's last true day with us, and I am thankful because I am scheduled to bring food out again on Monday and I have bible study right after, which is always a busy day. It will be helpful after this busy weekend I had. I have also been having a good few days with the girls. I have changed my attitude, asking God to make me more loving and so far he is answering my prayers. Yesterday I just felt like a new person because I thought before I spoke or did anything with the girls and it was wonderful. When I became angry, I Just breathed really deep for a while and asked God to help me focus on other things.  For whatever reason I felt God underlining Luke 18:14:  "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted".  I think maybe I haven't been seeking God because I've been mad at how Maddy has ruined my devotion/alone time in the morning. My attitude was like : "ok, well if you're not letting her sleep in then obviously I can't read, so that is your fault!"  which is not appropriate! I feel like he is trying to tell me he knows what's best for me and I can't think that "I" know what's best. I have to humble myself and and let go of my pride and just trust God.  So anyway, that is what He is teaching me this week.

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