
Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'm just not.

Just to keep things up-to-date, things are well here. I am not getting much editing done with the engagement photos (though I really have already done 80% of them).. I have been battling Satan for a good week and finally within the last couple of days I have found relief through answered prayers and encouragement through Gods' help and word. I just kept saying " My flesh and my heart may fail , but God is my strength and my portion forever". It made me think about how grouchy I was to my kids and if my actions were pleasing to God. I know I will not be able to please my kids in every situation... but I need to be pleasing God always. So, Maddy's waking up early and I can't do my devotions. Big deal. Maybe God wants me to rest and do them some other time in the day. Or maybe he wants me to fight through it and do them anyway? He knows what's right and I need to be trusting. So, here's to a better weekend. I'm just not giving Satan a foothold.

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