
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day1, 2011

And so it begins! I'm on Day one of four. Peter has left for a weekend of fishing, somewhere far away in Canada. I am thankful I have things to do this weekend, otherwise it gets very long. I cried last night before bed and I cried this morning when he left. Two things I am praying for: Safety of course, and that since this group is a bunch of Christian men, that their time would be god-honoring and full of great discussion. I hope that he has lots of fun!

I was up at 5:15 today to watch him go. I did the dishes, folded laundry, made blueberry bread, did a lot of reading, did a workout dvd, and then showered. I felt so good. As I write this, it's nap time and I am about to crash. I guess that's what I get for running off of 5 hours of sleep, but that's okay. It's nice to be tired for once at bedtime instead of wide awake. This week I have been baking quite a lot, mostly for Peter and his trip, but I am 0 for 4 in success. Tuesday I made muffins for our bible study, that were gooey (I used a different flour mixture, not GF mixture, and frozen blueberries... thinking the frozen BB were the culprit), and GF banana bread that was a little overdone. Wednesday I made cookies that became a bit more flat than normal and today my blueberry bread was gooey in the middle, again.  I used half oat flour and half whole-grain flour. So, I am feeling a little timid in the kitchen this week-- I am thankful that I don't really have to cook much this weekend. This morning we had a play & lunch date and tonight we're having leftovers. Tomorrow we are to the fair for lunch, fargo for supper, brunch on Saturday, and fair Saturday night. Sunday I think will be a long day but really most of the weekend is quite busy. I feel slightly guilty just sitting here during nap time to blog, but then I realized that this might be my only chance to truly rest. So, that's pretty much it!

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