
Wednesday, July 27, 2011


 July is going by so quickly. It makes me sad because it soon will be August which means the start of a three-month harvest. Farming really can be both a blessing and a headache. So much of it is relying on trusting that God will truly provide even if 'providing for our needs' is something totally different than what we had in mind :)  Being content with whatever God gives us is definitely something that I'm praying about. We are always hopeful and ALWAYS thankful but never knowing what the year will bring. Knowing all that is happening around the world really puts into perspective how blessed and really fortunate we are.

The photo above is the cake I made this weekend for my sister in laws shower. It is fun making cakes, when they turn out! I am sure I just convince myself it's going to go badly, and then it does. I am working on having a better attitude while making cakes; for instance when I had to make another set of frosting (long story, the next batch was a different color) I kept saying "please Lord, please Lord, please Lord" over and over to help me get through the rest of the frosting. It kept slipping down- the frosting was too soft. That is just not my gift, but hopefully with practice it will get better. (Below is what happened when I chose to spray it with an edible frosting spray. I bawled the night before because it wasn't how I had envisioned it. Silly huh) 


Today we are prepping for Peter to leave on his fishing trip (baking, packing, cleaning, etc) and then I'm sure tomorrow will be a sad day for me, for sure. Lately I have felt this cloud of discouragement come over me-- all week. I don't know why exactly but I feel Satan is trying to discourage me somehow. Last night I begged God to give me words of encouragement, and this is what he gave me: "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit".  I truly felt Satan attempting to crush my spirit in every way... whether it was my physical appearance, my capabilities of being a mother, wife, etc.. so last night I fell asleep repeating those versus. What a great god.

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