
Friday, March 4, 2011

phase II

So we went through phase I of Maddy crying herself to sleep for a week and a half, and no naps at all, to now she goes to sleep with only a little bit of crying and then waking up early, and napping for an hour or less.  I will admit, I was really discouraged yesterday.I am staying up late to get things done and working out with little results which takes up nap time, and then when I come downstairs, she's already up. Kate has been extremely 'mouthy' and Maddy cries about everything--i'm just not used to it. Anyway, I'm sure you're thinking.. "boo hoo".

I was listening to KFNW the last couple of weeks and heard some really good programs. I normally don't listen to the 1:00 program but the last two days she's been talking about being old in Christ. One thing this 86 year old woman said was that she feels she is an intercessor for a lot of people, so she has this notebook where she writes down who she is praying for... I thought that was such a good idea so I started doing that.  Sometimes people just pop into my mind and i pray for them, but only when I think about it. It would be such a good reminder to see it on paper every night and remember to pray for them.  Also just a good reminder to meditate on Gods word throughout the day... I need to be putting more scripture up in my house, because I always forget to memorize. It would be perfect to put something up in my work-out room. Anyway, enough jabbering for now... i suppose it is time for breakfast.

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