
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

date night...finally!

Today has been a weird day! Last night was 'date night' for us since Peter didn't have to work this morning so we decided to watch our movie that has been waiting for us for three whole weeks!  We really needed that... especially since Maddy has been uncontrollably crabby and the girls seem to be whining a lot more... Maddy will now throw a full-blown tantrum if I give her the wrong cereal bowl..also only taking one hour naps-- and Kate has started this "I'm still hungry!" fit if I do not give her a piece of candy. I think I've got two divas on my plate!!:)

My plans for this morning were to get some 'deep' cleaning done since Peter would be home, especially since I did not go to bible study last night or this morning, freeing him from having to watch the kids... so I asked if I could do that.  Instead, I made him his favorite breakfast and got so overwhelmed with dishes and not enough sleep,so he let me take a 45 minute nap! For lunch I again made a huge mess in the kitchen and missed my morning workout.  So this afternoon I had to push it extra hard with my elliptical AND jillian DVD!  I definitely got my workout, that's for sure.  I read an interesting article here:

Anyway , here's a couple pictures from the last couple days... later!

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