
Saturday, March 5, 2011

game night

well, it certainly was a late night for us.... we had guests over for supper and games and they left at 2 am!!!  We talked at the dinner table until 9pm and then played games the rest of the game. Thankfully my sister kelsey took the girls to my parents and played with them, gave baths, brought them home and put them to bed.  So blessed to have her!! I don't know what we would have done.. we already invited the couples' over a few weeks ago so we couldn't really cancel last minute, especially since one of the couples got their parents to watch the kids overnight.

It was so nice because we talked about our faith for quite a while... which is always so encouraging from other christians... it's true, you can have lots of fun without drinking!

I served black beans and rice, with jerk chicken & steak kabobs. We made peanut butter - chocolate cookies and baby lava cakes... i was so worried I was going to go off track with my diet but i ended up eating half the lava cake and just a bite of a cookie... I don't think I even went over my calorie count! I checked the scale and I am down another half pound. Praise God... an encouragement.  More later, off to color with Kate.

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