
Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy? Monday

This weekend has been messy.... in terms of catastrophes and people suffering.  It humbles me to realize what other people are going through compared to the silly things I have going on in my life. My prayer for me this week is that I can be selfless... and not focus on my silly 'problems' but to really focus in prayer on those suffering and those who really have BIG things going on in their life.

 My Latest Prayer Concerns
  •  Prayers for Ty
  • This guy named Jaco who has 95% of his body burned in a fire with 3rd degree burns... not expected to live. Praying for a miracle....healing and strength for his wife and TWO SMALL CHILDREN.
  • Those in the earthquake in Japan
  • Those who are pregnant
  • the children everywhere suffering from: hunger, abuse (physically and emotionally) rape, malnourishment, neglect, etc.
We are SO blessed to have what we have.

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