
Wednesday, March 16, 2011


well, it seems now we are just waiting to get the flu, if we do ever get it. I am sure we will eventually.  We had a get-together with some friends of ours (they also work for our family) so that the families could get to know each other better.  They ended up getting the flu, and passed it to some of us! So, we are waiting for our turn. I wouldn't care too much, except we are supposed to be going to Bemidji this weekend--all of us, so that kind of stinks.

After gaining a couple pounds due to a monthly visitor, I am finally back down to my lowest weight in quite a while... I don't remember ever being this weight... not even in 9th grade! So that is a positive for me, but definitely wondering how I can possibly lose inches around my butt and thigh area. Not that you needed to know that but if anyone has any good wonder exercises, pass them my way. I honestly wouldn't care if the scale didn't go down anymore, as long as i could see results with shrinking inches.

On an even better note, I have been crossing things off my birthday to-do list for Madelyn's 2nd birthday!  Birthdays are so so so much fun when they are for girls. I looked all over the place for invitations that I could order, Even at $2.50 an invitation, it can get expensive when you can either order just 10, or 25... so I decided to make my own, and I think they turned out just as I could hope for -- I couldn't find my dream invitation anyway.  That has also been the case for a dress... I remember last year looking everywhere for a strawberry shortcake dress for Maddy. I ended up getting it on Ebay (with tags still on!) so that's where i've been looking lately... no such luck for the perfect shabby chic dress, but I have a decent amount of time. 

Anyway... yesterday was really lots of fun. I have had lots more energy the last couple of days, which has been so nice.. we played outside and I didn't go to my young woman's bible study last night to just hang out with my family... which was a huge blessing for me. I had fun coloring with the girls while Peter prepared his tax stuff and it just ended up being a good night. We also got to play outside for a while.... we built a snowman, and i took them on a sled ride in the slushy mush out there, and even jogged a while for some exercise. Now we can't really sled anymore because the roads are so messy, but hopefully we can spend more time outside, even just playing in the backyard on the swing set.  Woah, long post, so I better start my day, but I felt I needed to catch up.  Til later!


  1. Hey, I was reading your blog and I have been researching workouts for losing baby weight. I bought the Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Book that comes with a DVD. It is supposed to help you lose inches by making your muscles long and lean. The book also has meal ideas and recipes. I don't know if it works or not because I can't exercise for 6-weeks.

  2. thank you leslie! I will have to check into that. I know jillian has some type of exercises for that area too... i'm doing the 30 day shred right now and there are some exercises for that, but not a lot. Also, if you plan to nurse, i wouldn't worry too much about losing the baby weight. :) It will come right off!

  3. I am nursing, but I want to tone up as well. I will be at my parents in about a month so I can bring that book and another one of her dvds if you want to check them out.
