
Wednesday, March 9, 2011


my trip to GF was a success... though long. We had a few rocky moments but it went good overall. I was so happy to get out, and even made it to bible study this week. today i had my body wrap and tomorrow i'll see if any inches came off.. i'm really trying hard to drink more water but it is so hard for me!!  Right now it is pretty early and I am going to try to unwind and go to bed. I really need a good nights sleep... maddy was up again last night from 3:30-5am. I brought her in bed with me and she tossed and turned the whole time.  I did Jillians workout #3 and it was way too hard for me, and then since i had time left during nap-time, i did 15 minutes on the elliptical too. It felt good not to have to do anything after the girls went to bed. Instead I took a shower and am listening to "So long Insecurity" by Beth Moore... I read most of the book but I get more out of it by listening. Here's some 365 pictures from the last few days..

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