
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Crockpot day

ah! Today has been good. Sunday school went good, I got up early to shower and do our french dip in the crockpot, had lunch with friends at the diner in Kennedy, and bread is setting for some home-made artisan buns. We even had another 'date night' last night, and the movie was done at 10:30 so we could go to sleep early. I have a stuffy nose so i was worried I wouldn't get much sleep but I slept well.  This week I am feeling like I really need to get some big projects done.. so I hope i can be productive. I also finally measured my waste and hips last night so i can see if i am losing inches rather than weight. I know I have, since some of my pants are baggier than normal. So far, 6 pounds lost. Anyway, I have to cut this short,... nap-time is up (it really didn't even begin, for one... can you guess who?) :)

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