
Monday, November 22, 2010

so glad that's over!

Made my first bread bowl last week some time... it was a bit big, and not that it was a ton of work, but more than i'm willing to make just for soup!  I actually would have preferred just a little bread on the side;  it was too much bread for me.  Anyway, broccoli cheese was awesome.

tea party using Abraham and the three visitors story

Today I went to GF because I was out of diapers and other things... so I went with the kids, and they were surprisingly well. We stopped at michaels first, mostly because I knew if i went to target first, i would not get to the other stores I wanted. Isn't that the truth?!  So i got what i wanted, and then went into Old Navy, and then to Target. We ate lunch there, sadly but most convenient, and then got some stuff. It had started to snow quite a lot and was scared that the wind would pick up, plus i had to drop something off for my MIL, so i got what i needed and went home. I still got home at 2 pm! It's hard work goin by yourself!  Naps were missed, but we played with play dough and i bought chalk, finally, for their easel. I was pretty much ticked the whole day but overall happy how today went. I am totally relaxing right now with a heating pad and an episode of Sarah's House.  Wish I had some hot cocoa!

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