
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today has been such a good day. It started off rocky with rushing to get everything done before our pictures this morning and then feeling like a fool for underdressing. Thankfully I had a skirt at my mother in laws and borrowed a sweater from my sister in law.. phew!! I just felt so awful, like I had messed up the whole picture. Anyway, it worked out and the kids all were really good. I even got to do a french manicure (help of my SIL too) and i had hoped to get that done for the wedding I am in this weekend!

The girls are taking naps now and I am leaving feedback for my Ebay purchases.   I have come to think it is extremely smart to shop on Ebay.  #1 You save a lot of money, and #2 You can usually find what you're looking for.  Everything is so expensive these days... for example at Gap, there's a cute coat i wanted for kate, but it was $60.  Sorry, I just won't spend that much money on a coat that can only be worn two years at the most. I want to be thrifty and use my money wisely.  I found a matching coat for Kate, and a red pea coat that will look just darling on her, in MINT condition!! soooooooooooooooo excited. 

I got this Christmas journal off of Amazon a few years ago, and i needed another one. They were sold out, or you had to pay an arm and a leg for it, so I hopped on Ebay and found a book store that was selling them, brand new, for $13 plus free shipping.  So, I opened my package today, and there were two extra books included: "Grace For You" by John MacArthur, and "A Read-Aloud Family Christmas, A collection of Classic Christmas Stories".  Wow! Someone is using their business as a ministry. I am so thankful for that. I hope she is a blessing to many.

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