
Sunday, November 21, 2010

here to stay

The snow is here to stay.. i'm not sure how i feel about that! Today i sang in church, taught Sunday school, and then peter helped a little after church setting up chairs for our harvest banquet. I am looking forward to going tonight, without the kids!

We had a really good weekend, I think anyway. Friday we just played around and had date night; Saturday i made some muffins and ate breakfast and did some visiting; then in the afternoon during naps I stained most of my picture window!!  I didn't at all think i'd get that far, but thanks to my sister kelsey who helped sand, I finished all but the actual inside of the windows and the grills. Now i have to put another coat of stain b/c it's not as dark as i'd like, and then varnish, sand, repeat. So it will still be a long process but it is not as overwhelming as it seemed even just a couple days ago. I had a bad experience staining a door this summer and it went AWFUL! But this experience was much better!!

This week we're going to try to finish it completely so that we can just be done, and i will try to do some more christmas shopping, online. I am most likely going to GF tomorrow so maybe I can get a couple things done then, too.  Well i am going to rest since it's Sunday... more later!

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