
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Organized this week!

It's been a little while since I last wrote... It has been a fun weekend.  I went to my husband's cousin's home in Fargo for less than 24 hours.  I didn't stop anywhere, which was so nice. I went to get away, and it ended up being tons of fun! I got to take some pictures of Olivia, her 1 year old sweetie.  I don't ever remember my kids being that smiley!

Yesterday I had tons of laundry to do, being it is laundry day, I got all of it done and even put away! I was trying to be super efficient. I chose easy meals to make so I could keep trucking along and we even got to play outside for a tish. It is my goal this week to de-clutter and throw things out. Yesterday I worked on the front living room. Though Peter could not tell I spent all of nap time working on it, I did make a dent. I dusted, I went through old cds, filed things, cleaned out the summer shoes, the hosier cabinet, and the closet. I also threw away tons of old catalogs. I am hoping that both Peter and I can start staining our window this week.  My goal is to have most things organized and cleaned so that when I do have company, it doesn't take all day to clean. I am hopeful that closets will get deeply cleaned, and corners will have no junk in them. My craft room needs at least two hours of attention! 

Well better go start my day!

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