
Friday, November 5, 2010


 "Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. You believe that there is one God? GOOD! Even the demons believe that--and shudder"   -James 2: 18-19

Last night when I was doing my beth moore bible study, I came across a paragraph she wrote that really hit the tail on the donkey for me.  I had been wanting to explain this theory in my head, but could never figure out the right words, or scripture references, to do it.   It is sad to me that so many people think they're saved. Saved, meaning, going to heaven.  They think, I believe in God, so I am going to heaven.  That's not 100%  true.  Here is what Beth Moore had to say about that:

(This bible study is on Paul, and Paul was wholeheartedly for persecuting Christians. One day, while on his way to imprison more believers, God struck down through a blazing, bright light in mid-day.  God  took away his sight,  and asked him "Saul, why do you persecute Me?" ) Read Acts 9: 1-31 for the full story.  Saul was converted. So, Saul began to preach of the Good News, instead of cheering on the murders of Christians)

 How did the Greeks respond to hte good news?  Answer: Many believed. Many turned to the lord.

The two responses above are crucial to the understanding of true conversion. The people did not simply believe. James 2:19 tells us even the demons believe.  We can believe Christ is the Son of God, be convinced He died and rose again for the sins of mankind, but still be lost. That's head knowledge. When I personalize Christ's gift of grace on the cross, I am saved. That's heart knowledge. Look back at Acts 11:21. One difference between the head and the heart lies in the word turned. Head knowledge doesn't always change a thing. Heart knowledge does. Life turns at that moment. We can't just go back to living as if nothing happened. The externals may evolve more slowly as we break habits and alter lifestyles, but the internals change instantaneously. Life takes an inevitable turn.

 So i just had to share that.

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