
Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today has been bittersweet. I spent my time at two bible studies today, and that is always rewarding. The bitter part, is that two girls died at the rescue center. For whatever reason, that is so hard for me. In the same way I feel sadness, I feel thankful to get such a reminder of how precious life is and all that I have to be thankful for. I spent a lot of time in prayer today, though I don't think it was remotely as much as God wanted me to be, but I am learning. I tried to do a media fast too, but I couldn't go on without checking to see how the girls were doing. When I logged on, I had found out one had died the night before, and the other just minutes before. That helped me to be able to pray this afternoon, but I was mad at myself that i could not just forget about the internet. I am curious to see how those who do fast, whether from food or other things, spend their time fully. I was in prayer in and out through out the day but when the girls napped, i was silent for a while to listen to God and so that the holy spirit would intercede because let's face it, we don't always know what we should pray about. But then after 20 or so minutes, I got tired and took a nap.   Ugh.  I guess i am just in a sad mood so I don't feel like talking about anything... below is a link to the website i follow whenever there's updates.  Just pray for them.

Rescue Center

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