
Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Yesterday was mine and robyn's jewelery party. So far we have $160 each to spend on free jewelery! (Maybe more, have to wait for orders to come in) but I should know tomorrow.  I forgot to take pictures... I really did want to take some but it was busy most of the night. Everyone seemed like they were having lots of fun. All the food was delicious, except i have been naughty with eating things I shouldn't. I am not worried about gaining weight but I was hoping to lose some more. I re-arranged my living room yesterday for more seating and found that my dining room table arm chairs look awesome in there.  I hope I can find some some for cheap somewhere.

Today during nap (which the kids are actually napping, knock on wood) I have worked on the baby quilt that is almost finished, and i am trying to put together a night stand that we got at Ikea.  I have learned that I get bored really easy because I finished pinning but got bored after sewing 3 blocks, and then i quit the night stand about 2 times... and now i am supposed to make supper but i am just really lazy.  That always happens after the days i've been extremely busy. Plus last night I got 6 or so hours of sleep b/c i could not settle down after the party! Peter has been getting up really early to go out to cut beans.... I think tomorrow he is planning to be out there around 5 or 5:30 which means, thankfully, he won't be working late but maybe that will force us to go to bed earlier! 

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