
Friday, August 27, 2010


This week has sure gone fast. I can't believe it's already Friday!  I was so confused yesterday- I thought it was Tuesday.  Anyway, Monday was the jewelery party, which was tons of fun, Tuesday we tried to walk but it was windy and cold... Wednesday I went to Grand Forks with Emily, which was her last day helping out here. She is leaving for Florida for college next week! So I thought it would be fun to spend the day kind of shopping and just having fun. 

We went to TJ Max, to the mall, to Platos Closet, and to Target. I think she got a couple dresses and a couple skirts, some towels for college and a few other things. Kate and Maddy did ok but I remembered why I never bring them with unless I am shopping for groceries! I can't even explain how much i will miss Emily. And for certain it is not just because she was helpful to our family (really helpful) -- we have had a lot of good talks and even though she is younger than me, she is a great role model  and example to me and my children. *tear*  (I did shed one when I dropped her off)

Yesterday we took another walk and went to the park, and then the afternoon I spent working on a acorn and berry wreath. It was so pretty! I finally finished after two days of working on it. I finally realized that lately I have been having troubles falling asleep at night because I am so active at night. I guess it is just like working out.  For instance, Wed. night after the girls went to bed, I cut up and froze a bunch of green peppers, sewed and ironed some of my blocks for the baby quilt i'm working on, worked on my wreath, and did a bunch of other things that *needed* to be done.  So, i am going to try to stop at 9, and start reading then.... which pretty much gives me hardly any time after the girls go to bed to do anything.   today hopefully will be a more relaxed day with not so much scheduled plans.  Better shower!

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