
Friday, August 20, 2010

never-ending bad day

I can't believe how bad this day got. From the time I got home at 1:30pm, that is when it all started. It wasn't just that both kids cried and cried and would not nap, it is that thing after thing after thing kept going wrong.  I am almost afraid to go to bed to wake up to another bad day. Just to show how bad it was today, there's no date night, *and* I am having a pop!! My bike came and when Peter tried to put the pedals on, something broke, and then I went to open our  metal, yes, metal cabinets, the metal part broke off, so ... now what?  I can't weld a metal piece to our cabinet?

Anyway, below are some of the pictures I took today. I wish I knew more about editing but these will have to do:

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