
Thursday, August 19, 2010

last day?

Well, today might be the last day of grain harvest (lord willing) We have been so thankful for the weather this week-- almost getting rain in a matter of miles and last night it looked like rain but it dissipated before it got to our fields. I will be so excited if everything goes well today and they are able to combine. This is hopefully my last meal today too.

Yesterday when I went to GF, I bought some more fabric at Joanns! This time it is all floral. I really wanted to make a baby quilt out of that for my cousins baby, but I already cut out a small quilt for her so I didnt want that to go to waste. I was surprised how quickly it went. I cut for one hour during nap time on Tuesday, and then another hour or half hour after they went to bed, and I was done!! it was 4 1/2 inch squares and I had to cut out about 48 of them or something, which goes quickly if you have one long strip of fabric in each design. Anyway, so last night after I put them to bed I sewed some of them together. It won't take me long with this quilt. My sister kelsey showed interest, and I told her that I could teach her to make a baby quilt. She said she wanted to make one for the girls, and she just wants a hobby so I am more than willing to teach her. She will do great! (Even though I hardly know anything about sewing myself, but squares are relatively easy).

I picked up some ingredients for the jewelery party Robyn and I are hosting on Monday. So far it looks like 9 girls are coming who have RSVPd either online or by phone. So that is going to be so fun!! I have some pictures but I didn't get time to download them.  I feel like I have so many fun things I want to do but obviously not enough time to do all of them. Now that I am spending a lot of time doing quilting, my pictures and my devotions at night are on the back burner. Peter and I are still doing our couples devotions but I have gotten bad at doing my own. I have to get more disciplined! That's it for now, I am going for a walk.

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