
Friday, May 24, 2013

Weekly Homeschool Journal

In my life this week…


I have gone through all of the emotions possible. With daily struggles, to trying times with the kids, etc-- God is teaching me and remaining faithful. I've had a lot of good devotion time in the mornings- now if I would just remember to recite the verses i've been given! I've been given songs to help me through situations ("Be Though My Vision) verses about food (Ephesians 3:16-19, power thru cravings; 1John 2: 15-16, Romans 14:19, Prov. 29:6)  They are all good verses that talk about not needing to be filled with food, but being FULL in Christ, to not let our sin ensnare us,  and just having cravings for wordly things...  I really love the verse of Romans 14:19 which says "let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Do not destroy the work of god for the sake of food". It is so fitting because how do we feel after we've indulged on food?  We do not feel peace. I have to ask myself, how is this going to make me feel after I eat this? Peace? No, probably not. Is what I am eating going to fill my body with nutrients, and do I need it? Or am I just eating out of boredom or for pleasure.  Powerful stuff. 

I've also been searching and seeking Vision on how I can serve more and where to tithe, too.  God gave me "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10.  Along with that, two days later I read: "Make your eat attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding; for if you cry for discernment, lift your voice for understanding; if you seek her as silver and search for her as for  hidden treasures, then you will discern fear of the lord and knowledge of god." Proverbs 2:2-4.   We have to open our eyes! We have to seek like they are treasures! Sometimes it's good to wait on the Lord, but this verse is telling me specifically that I have to search for ways to serve and help.  Powerful stuff! 

In our homeschool this week…

We have been wrapping up school.  It hasn't completely sunk in yet as it has been another routine that has developed over the year. It will seem strange to not do it anymore. We are, though, in need of a break.  I still plan to refresh on math and continue reading this summer. We're saving some chapter books for bedtime and times when I'll just read to them.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

  We went to get flowers this week, to grand forks to grocery shop, graduations, walks, bringing food out to the field, etc. 

at the mall for coffee and banana bread

My favorite thing this week was...

Probably now. I enjoyed a couple nice walks with the girls that made me feel so good to be moving in nice weather, but it is so nice right now to just take the time to write and drink coffee, and just take a second to take a break from moving! 

Things I'm working on......

Yesterday was kind of a bad day. For everyone. Well, for us girls anyway! Everyone was in an incredibly awful mood. The girls were sassy and crabby, Ella was whiny, and I.... well, I was just tired of it all! I yelled, I had a bad attitude, I was selfish, and I really wasn't very nice. Today as I had my devotions I got a lot of good verses, of course, as a good reminder that today is a new day. And I can be equipped with some ammo against Satan's attempt to lure me in again!  "I said, I will guard my ways that I may not sin with  my tongue" Psalm 39:1    "Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart" Prov. 3:3     "Her ways are pleasant ways and her paths are peace"   Prov 3.17

Things I'm cooking...

 GF banana bread, pancakes, scalloped potatoes and ham, tacos, pitas, delicious smoothies.  And good snacks, of course.

I’m grateful for…

Emily and her kindness and serving heart, Gods word in due time, being able to plant a garden this year, time in the mornings for devotion and showers, the start of summer. 

I'm praying for.....

 god-given strength.


A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…


Video of Kate reading

Friday, May 10, 2013

Homeschool Week

In my life this week…

I'm working on letting go of the pump. It hasn't been too terribly hard. I am just not getting much so it has been easier to let go. As I type this, this is most likely my last pump. I'm not sad.... I mean, maybe a little. But it's time. I think the hardest part will be just giving Ella the formula still and not breast milk, and also just not having the feeling of having milk. 

In our homeschool this week…

We ended up doing homeschool one day outside. It was so warm, and cozy. I sat in the sun while the girls sat in the shade. It started to get too warm, actually, so we went inside to finish reading and math. I also have been doing school in the afternoon at times, too, so that it's just Kate and I. Maddy doesn't always get a fact she hardly ever does, but a couple times a week I put her down so that she can get the rest she needs.  We are working on finishing school on-time... we are currently 3 days behind. But that is also because I started two weeks after school should have officially started! So, we're doing great!

 Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

 Bible studies, gymnastics in Grand Forks,walks, to the park (finally!) and we met their newest cousin, Levi.

My favorite thing this week was...

Being able to go for walks in actual NICE weather! It started to get chilly though the last couple days, but walking in warmth just really put joy in my heart. This week I started with just one pump a day, and that has been so nice to wake up and not have to pump. So, yeah, I guess I can't really limit my favorite to one... but another thing that was fun was having coffee at my mother in laws today, too.

Things I'm working on......

Self discipline in eating,  being more gentle in my tone of voice and words, meditating on the fruits of the spirit.  I'm also trying to do away with clutter. So basically the same as last week. But I am making progress! 

Things I'm cooking...

Trying different recipes involving my panini grill, baked potato soup, spaghetti tonight, hamburger rice hotdish, different yummy smoothies, and foccacia bread I made tonight to bring to church on Sunday. They are mini Italian sandwhiches, -- i'll have to show a photo. They are so very good.  

A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…

flowers picked just for me

best green smoothie.  ever.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Ella's Sunshine Birthday

It took me a little while to think of what Ella's birthday party could be. At first I was going to try to make a pretty cake and that would be it. But then I got to thinking about the times I nursed her and I'd always sing to her the same song: "You are my Sunshine".  I can only count a handful of times she nursed really well. And when she did... I'd sing. It was a really emotional time for me so the song is extremely special. A lot of times I would cry when I sang it. It only seemed fit to have a sunshine birthday.... who knew I'd make it through a year! Forgive me, too; the photos are a bit out of order and I don't have a lot of time to change them around.

Banana Cupcakes with Lemon Cream frosting

Homeschool Journal Week

In my life this week…

 Isn't every week busy? Monday was gymnastics, Tuesday was two bible studies and I successfully made it to both (one in the morning with childcare and one at night). They were both powerful and spoke to me.  Wednesday I decided that I was going to do homeschooling in the afternoon and do some stuff in the morning, like shower! I also cleaned out our closet and put away ALL WINTER CLOTHING. I filled two tubs of snow pants, boots, coats, hats, gloves, etc. I can't believe how much that cleaned up the closets. It needed to be done.  Thursday I worked on a couple of bible studies, clothes, and played candy land a couple of times with the kids. Homeschooling of course in the morning. Meals always seem to take at least 2 hours a day to prep and make.

In our homeschool this week…

We actually got through a lot.  My prayer has been that I would be guided on what to teach Kate, to not bother with things that are unnecessary, etc.  I have felt "fatigued" in this calling now that it is May and in a few short weeks I will be done. I am starting to work ahead a bit so that we can get done on time. I do, though, think once or twice a week we will work on math and reading.....because it's fun and I think it will help her stay focused. It's amazing what she forgets in a short week. For example, if we are working on subtraction one week, and then we'll refresh and do some addition the next, she will forget how to add! I think also the funnest part of homeschooling is the devotion time. They are both asking a lot of questions and starting to apply to their daily adventures, too.  Not going to lie, it has been REALLY hard with Ella the last couple of weeks.

 Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

 Bible studies, gymnastics in Grand Forks, the store in town a couple times a week it seems (reload on bananas and apples!) We haven't been able to go outside at all this week....Kate has on Monday but the rest of us haven't taken a walk or done anything. It is so cold. I think it's supposed to warm up this weekend hopefully but it has been such a tease to have had those nice, warm days. Our church friends (there's about 5 couples) try to get together once a month to do something fun. Last month it was bowling, and this month we are going to a movie in Grand Forks.  I am really excited to get away.

My Favorite Thing this week was....

Going to the bible studies probably. Pretty much every morning I have a long devotion time (because I wake up early for it) and I get to eat my oatmeal nice and slowly, drink my coffee, and just enjoy time to myself. That has been so important to me. So every day that has been a favorite time for me.... and just being able to be with actual Christian women this week has also filled a small void in my life, too.  Devotions with the kids, doing "word-reading" as kate calls it.... those are up there too.

Things I'm working on.....
Self discipline in eating,  being more gentle in my tone of voice and words, meditating on the fruits of the spirit.  I'm also trying to do away with clutter. Geh. 

I'm cooking....
Pitas, Fish, lots of chicken it seems, Taco Pie, Shrimp, and I have no idea what's on the menu for today or the rest of the weekend!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…

Rustic Oat Bread

Chicken Pot Pie