
Friday, May 10, 2013

Homeschool Week

In my life this week…

I'm working on letting go of the pump. It hasn't been too terribly hard. I am just not getting much so it has been easier to let go. As I type this, this is most likely my last pump. I'm not sad.... I mean, maybe a little. But it's time. I think the hardest part will be just giving Ella the formula still and not breast milk, and also just not having the feeling of having milk. 

In our homeschool this week…

We ended up doing homeschool one day outside. It was so warm, and cozy. I sat in the sun while the girls sat in the shade. It started to get too warm, actually, so we went inside to finish reading and math. I also have been doing school in the afternoon at times, too, so that it's just Kate and I. Maddy doesn't always get a fact she hardly ever does, but a couple times a week I put her down so that she can get the rest she needs.  We are working on finishing school on-time... we are currently 3 days behind. But that is also because I started two weeks after school should have officially started! So, we're doing great!

 Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

 Bible studies, gymnastics in Grand Forks,walks, to the park (finally!) and we met their newest cousin, Levi.

My favorite thing this week was...

Being able to go for walks in actual NICE weather! It started to get chilly though the last couple days, but walking in warmth just really put joy in my heart. This week I started with just one pump a day, and that has been so nice to wake up and not have to pump. So, yeah, I guess I can't really limit my favorite to one... but another thing that was fun was having coffee at my mother in laws today, too.

Things I'm working on......

Self discipline in eating,  being more gentle in my tone of voice and words, meditating on the fruits of the spirit.  I'm also trying to do away with clutter. So basically the same as last week. But I am making progress! 

Things I'm cooking...

Trying different recipes involving my panini grill, baked potato soup, spaghetti tonight, hamburger rice hotdish, different yummy smoothies, and foccacia bread I made tonight to bring to church on Sunday. They are mini Italian sandwhiches, -- i'll have to show a photo. They are so very good.  

A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…

flowers picked just for me

best green smoothie.  ever.

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