
Friday, May 3, 2013

Homeschool Journal Week

In my life this week…

 Isn't every week busy? Monday was gymnastics, Tuesday was two bible studies and I successfully made it to both (one in the morning with childcare and one at night). They were both powerful and spoke to me.  Wednesday I decided that I was going to do homeschooling in the afternoon and do some stuff in the morning, like shower! I also cleaned out our closet and put away ALL WINTER CLOTHING. I filled two tubs of snow pants, boots, coats, hats, gloves, etc. I can't believe how much that cleaned up the closets. It needed to be done.  Thursday I worked on a couple of bible studies, clothes, and played candy land a couple of times with the kids. Homeschooling of course in the morning. Meals always seem to take at least 2 hours a day to prep and make.

In our homeschool this week…

We actually got through a lot.  My prayer has been that I would be guided on what to teach Kate, to not bother with things that are unnecessary, etc.  I have felt "fatigued" in this calling now that it is May and in a few short weeks I will be done. I am starting to work ahead a bit so that we can get done on time. I do, though, think once or twice a week we will work on math and reading.....because it's fun and I think it will help her stay focused. It's amazing what she forgets in a short week. For example, if we are working on subtraction one week, and then we'll refresh and do some addition the next, she will forget how to add! I think also the funnest part of homeschooling is the devotion time. They are both asking a lot of questions and starting to apply to their daily adventures, too.  Not going to lie, it has been REALLY hard with Ella the last couple of weeks.

 Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

 Bible studies, gymnastics in Grand Forks, the store in town a couple times a week it seems (reload on bananas and apples!) We haven't been able to go outside at all this week....Kate has on Monday but the rest of us haven't taken a walk or done anything. It is so cold. I think it's supposed to warm up this weekend hopefully but it has been such a tease to have had those nice, warm days. Our church friends (there's about 5 couples) try to get together once a month to do something fun. Last month it was bowling, and this month we are going to a movie in Grand Forks.  I am really excited to get away.

My Favorite Thing this week was....

Going to the bible studies probably. Pretty much every morning I have a long devotion time (because I wake up early for it) and I get to eat my oatmeal nice and slowly, drink my coffee, and just enjoy time to myself. That has been so important to me. So every day that has been a favorite time for me.... and just being able to be with actual Christian women this week has also filled a small void in my life, too.  Devotions with the kids, doing "word-reading" as kate calls it.... those are up there too.

Things I'm working on.....
Self discipline in eating,  being more gentle in my tone of voice and words, meditating on the fruits of the spirit.  I'm also trying to do away with clutter. Geh. 

I'm cooking....
Pitas, Fish, lots of chicken it seems, Taco Pie, Shrimp, and I have no idea what's on the menu for today or the rest of the weekend!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…

Rustic Oat Bread

Chicken Pot Pie




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