
Thursday, June 9, 2011


oh nuts. It's already 10pm. Honestly where does the time go? I went for a run when Peter got home at 9, and then showered after that, unloaded half of the dishwasher and came to the computer for a 'break' (feel like i've been doing dishes in all my spare time) and it's already 10. A lot got accomplished today, though, so that I am grateful for. We are finally done planting, praise God! The kids and I went to the park with some friends and I rushed back to make lunch and then after a while, put them to bed. Did more dishes, made some gluten free brownies (photos sometime this week) then made some gluten free bread, two buns out of the extra dough, more and more dishes, and then started my exercise dvd and half-way through, Kate woke up. It was a really productive nap time.

For supper me and the kids had tilapia in little packets in the oven, with some white rice boiled in some homemade turkey stock I made last week. I took my leftover Turkey that I had already made and because I don't have a large enough crockpot, I used two- anyway, I put in some carrots, celery, bay leaf, fresh thyme and parsley (in that order) and enough water to cover the turkey. I let it slow-cook on low for about 20 hours. My turkey still had some meat on it, so when it was done, the meat fell off the bones and I was able to salvage more meat! It made about 6 cups of turkey stock and I froze in 2 cup increments in a quart-size freezer bag. Today I used two cups for my white rice... though it seemed a bit thick, so I used about 1/4-1/2 cup water.  Also, before you freeze the stock, make sure it comes to room temperature so you can remove the fat that floats to the top.

The next day we had chicken quasadillas... the whole family! This one is mine, but peter made his with rice tortillas in the frozen section at Hugos. We sliced up regular chicken breast, marinated it for about 20 minutes in salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, chili powder, little cayenne, honey and enough lemon juice to kind of coat the whole thing, about a table spoon for the amount of chicken we had. (for him it was enough for one queasadilla, we used other fajita meat from Schwanns). Saute your veggies, -  I used green pepper, red pepper, and onion. At this point if you're using fresh chicken, you'd want to saute the chicken in your browned pan to get the chicken 'dirty'.  I put avocado, little bit of cilantro, tiny bit of cheese, tomato and cut in half and sauteed in the pan until crispy. You could also put black beans in there. I used my homemade tomato sauce for a topping.  YUM!!

More later, for now here's some pictures.


  1. I am trying your quesadillas. They sound DELICIOUS :)

  2. i know, they really were!! My husbands looked really good because his rice tortilla got really crunchy. We used to have them every sunday until he started his detox diet. I'm pretty sure we will be starting that tradition again... soooo good.
