
Sunday, June 12, 2011

big week ahead

 This weekend was pretty fun, I'd say. Friday Peter came home from work at a decent time.. I was thrilled I could make him pizza (that he actually really liked) and supper was a roasted chicken with potatoes- I later, again, used the remains to roast in the crock pot for chicken stock. Right now I am trying to make this weeks menu plans... it's getting harder by the week! You'd think it'd be easier with all the meals I've tried, but truthfully, he's getting sick of all of them. Yesterday for breakfast, I did make Apple Cinnamon GF muffins. He liked those. Today we tried a GF, Dairy Free Quiche... since he can have eggs, this was possible. That was good, too. I also tried GF blueberry muffins and he enjoyed those as well. Here are some other things I tried this week:

Both buns and bread were made from the same recipe. Instead of typing it all out, you can find the recipe here. It's kind of a longer process, but I think it's worth it. It really did seem less 'sticky' than the other previous breads I've made. Though I've noticed that turning my oven on 200 and shutting it off right away made my yeast dough rise too quickly with the other bread doughs... with this one I didn't do it, and it hardly rose. I took it out and preheated the oven to 200 and shut it off, and it started rising more quickly. You have to be careful for it not to rise too fast otherwise it will fall during baking because it doesn't have enough gluten to support the dough.  You dont' really have to worry about this recipe , though.  It made nice buns. I had to broil for a minute though to get it a little  brown. I also forgot, I made some changes to the recipe. Instead of the nonfat milk powder, I added an additional 1/4 cup of tapioca starch, and I didn't have millet flour so I added more sorghum to replace that, I also added mostly heated milk (where it calls for 1 1/4 cup, about 3/4 milk and the rest water )   in place of the brown sugar to proof the yeast, I added cane sugar instead. Still turned out!

Here's my pizza!

For the pizza : Since peter cannot have tomato based products, I had to find a recipe that he could have pizza with because I think he was really missing it.  I marinated the chicken the same way we did for the fajitas, and sauteed them. In a saucepan I did 2-3 T of non-dairy butter (found at health food store) and 1`/4 cup or so of coconut creamer. I mixed in about 2 T of rice flour. I let that boil a little bit and added nutritional yeast, about 3-4 T or so.... that gets it nice and thick. I took it off the heat and spread it on half of the crust (or whole crust if you're doing the whole pizza this way).  I added the chicken, and some non-dairy cheese, some onions, broccoli, and any other veggie you want. I also threw in some sauteed Italian chicken sausage too, found at Target.

For the Taco.. I took a half a can of Black beans, 2 T (or more) of chicken/turkey stock, cumin, garlic powder, a little chili powder, and ground it in my food processor. It makes a thick paste which is spread on the crust.  For the topping I used my browned hamburger with the homemade taco seasoning and put that on top of the paste. Onions, and other veggies can be added.

Other meals I made this week, without pictures:

Scalloped Potatoes & Ham -- I think I kind of went between the two of Betty Crockers and this website -- but basically I think I did 1/4 cup nondairy butter, mixed with 3-4 T of rice flour, with salt and pepper.... then I added 2-3 cups of coconut milk (half almond milk) -- when this got bubbly I added some garlic powder, onion powder, and 4 or so T of nutritional yeast. I cut up the potatoes and frozen ham and layered this in probably dish smaller than 8x8.. it served about 3-4 people.

Fudge Brownies (has eggs)

Tilapia-- all I did for this was put some olive oil, lemon juice, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and a little chili powder and roast in a packet in the oven for about 20 minutes I'd say at 375. It was SUPER good and even the girls loved it! 

These are really good, Apple Cinnamon Muffins. They don't taste gluten free at all... I think it's a really good mix. But be careful - they become dry fast- watch them in the oven! The first time I made them they were so moist and good. The second time the batter seemed a bit dry, and I set the timer wrong... I would set it to about 15 minutes and go from there.  I used 1/4 cup cane sugar and 1/4-1/2 cup agave. In place of apple juice, i used coconut milk.  I also put blueberries in half the batter and apples in the other half. The blueberry ones were really moist, too.  Yummmmmm! I think that's all for now. More later!

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