
Thursday, March 24, 2011


I just got done doing Jillians "No More trouble Zones" and I am really sore! I wanted to quickly write because I know the less I write, the less people come to read so I want to make sure I can keep up. Today I had voice lessons and she is having me sing Ave Maria in..... whatever kind of language it is. It's going well and I am catching on quickly, which is always nice. I got off to a good start today by doing some of my Beth Moore bible study and then showered. I visited with a new friend from Warren, which was so nice. That was our first visit and we seemed to click well. It was encouraging, for sure. I got home and let the kids play for a while and then read at least 5 books before putting them to bed and I got right onto my DVD. I thought I should just get it over with. Now I am uploading and editing a few of the 365 photos and then I suppose I will continue to work on Madelyn's banner for her birthday.. i believe i showed a picture of it in a previous post.  Anyway, I had gotten some more fabric so I am really hoping I can be done with it. I finished her invitations yesterday and now they just need to go in the mail... probably tomorrow and then just little stuff I have to figure out. That's probably all for now... more later!

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