
Saturday, October 2, 2010

We did it?!

Yesterday was  a pretty good day. So far I have stayed busy enough to not notice that peter is gone. He happily informed me that if everything goes just right... today would mark 7 days left of Beet Harvest. But, because of rain and warm weather, that usually puts a stop to beets. Next week we are banking that Monday-Wednesday we will at least be shut down during the day due to heat.  That kind of stinks but then at least they will be able to put long hours into soy bean harvest. But I would definitely prefer to keep going with beets.  Anyway I am just jabbering.

I remember with Kate, I would stay up and do my bible studies or write in my journal -- this would give me more freedom to get more work done around the house for sure, which is always helpful.

Speaking of Kate, we went to her preschool screening. She is doing great with everything, which is good to hear. I remember telling Peter today, and my sister-in-law, that she has a year to go on the potty, or else she can't be in preschool.  And I remember hearing..."well, you have a whole year, she should do it by then"  -- I said.."You never know..!"  just knowing how stubborn and scared she is. Well, I have had a talk with her the last couple of days saying that she has go to on the BIG potty eventually, and we can't go to school unless she does that.  So, ok... she wakes up from her nap yesterday and says, "I want to go on the big potty!"  Obviously I am surprised so I let her and she climbed right up, told me to go away (after I put the potty chair as a stepping stool below her) and she peed.  I couldn't tell for sure because Maddy was crying in the background and I couldn't quite tell if there had been any drops in there... but then the next time she sat on there, i could hear some trickles.  So, as I write this, I am honestly wrinkling my face in disbelief.  Wow, God is working miracles in my home.  I can't even believe how the last year has been. God is revealing things to us all the time, and it is comforting to know we are in His care.  More later.

1 comment:

  1. What awesome news Kristen!! I so happy that she went for you!! She just had to do it on her own time.
