
Thursday, September 30, 2010


      Today I spent nap time filling out paperwork for Kate's preschool screening tomorrow! That seems odd. I can't believe that Kate is that old already.  Today is also the last day before beets start.  Nothing really monumental about it... just... hard to believe. I remember when summer first started. That really seems like just a week ago!!!!!  After all these harvests we've had... including the not so popular beet harvest coming up, I can say I am ready for the new season to begin. I just want to be able to have date night back again and just to be able to spent more time as a family. It is so cute to watch the girls scream and jump and run to their daddy. I am sure he feels really appreciated too. I tried to finish up editing pictures for the ceremony I was asked to casually photograph. Here's some of the pictures that turned out: 

They actually didn't turn out too bad, and there's lots more, I just have already uploaded them somewhere else and don't have a ton of time to blog today.  I have been searching and searching for meals to make during beets, but I just can't come up with any new and easy meal plans. I really haven't found anything, except yesterday I did make Eggplant Feta Phyllo Pies.  They were good, but peter was not a fan.  I paired it with a salad.  I better get off here, more later!

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