
Thursday, September 16, 2010

in LOVE!

My first pumpkin dessert of the season. Pumpkin ice cream paired with gingersnap cookies. Yum! The ice cream I would probably make again, although it is quite the process. Ah, the past couple days have been really good for me and God.  So in love!

I have so much to be thankful for. Yet lots of times I just get caught up in wants vs needs and it is hard to just be content.  Right now our farm is in process of combining our soybean field.  WHAT A PRAISE!! It brings tears to my eyes to think how God blesses us without even deserving it. Just trusting and trying to obey. I  might not spend hours praying/reading/worshiping but I believe God has blessed me with a love for music, and that is how I spend a lot of my intimate time with God, is just singing and really meaning the words. Right now I am listening to Beautiful, Beautiful Francesca Battistelli.  Yesterday I was choked up over "Wonderful, Merciful Savior" by Selah.  I got to thinking about how may times God "rescues the souls of men" -- now that is a beautiful song... you should google it and listen to it!

Yikes, i was not planning to say all that but felt led to.  Anyway, today I spent time putting away my summer clothes *tear* - and finished up packing for the girls. I had most of it packed on Monday, believe it or not.  We are going to DL for the weekend to celebrate my in-laws 40th wedding anniversary. Then while i was baking and cleaning up the kitchen, I downloaded a bunch of cds to ITunes so that we'd have a lot to listen to this weekend. I love the kind of work that allows you to multi-task. Put the disk in, walk away!! Woo hoo!

I forgot, this week I finished the acorn picture frame. Kate LOVED helping. She handed me a big acorn, or a little acorn, to fit just the right spot. All we need is a fall picture in there!

I did, also, finish my pillow, except for some reason i didn't take a picture of the finished product. oh well, here is a rough draft, and the next picture is our finished sidewalk.

The girls took a GREAT nap. 3 whole hours allowed me to be able to spend sometime by myself and get some work done. Well, that's all for now. Hoping for a stress-free weekend.

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