
Monday, September 20, 2010

hello monday

After a nice weekend in Detroit Lakes, let me tell you, it was so nice to sleep in my own bed. Not because the beds were bad at our hotel (because they weren't, everything was beautiful and wonderful) but because I missed my pillows and my sleep number. I was literally in bed heaven. Not only that, I fell asleep quick! Horray!

In terms of peeing on the potty, though, Kate refused to go in her potty chair in the car, or at a public bathroom, or at the hotel. Finally after some persuading,  she went. I don't think she pooped all weekend though, which was something I was worried about since starting this pee in the potty thing. She, for sure, has had a few tummy aches.  However, yesterday at our stop for ice cream, she complained that she had to go, so we put a diaper on and she crouched down. This was taking a while, like more than 10-15 minutes so we asked if she was done and she said, yes, but I didn't really believe her.  Anyway, before bed, she came into the kitchen crying saying she had to poop. She had already taken off her underwear and tights, and i looked and she had already started to go. So I rushed her to the potty and told her gently to go in the potty, since basically, she had no choice, it was coming!  About 2 minutes later she had gone.  I was so excited. In one week, two fears have escaped her. This morning and tonight she went #2 without even being asked to. Now, the next step is just taking the diaper out of there, which serves no purpose at all, it's just a comfort to her. Then after that, getting over her fear of the big potty. Anyway, time for bed!

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