
Sunday, August 1, 2010

fair time

Yesterday was such a good day. I went to Grand Forks all by myself, (which doesn't happen often) and actually made more than one stop, which also doesn't happen very often! Even though it was to get groceries, it was still fun. I left at 9 am and came home at 3:30. I found out that the girls didn't nap much, and that Peter was going to be combining. I was sad at first but then I realized that because of this weather, it is best to just get done as much as possible so the grain is safe in the bins rather than hail or tornadoes destroying the fields.

I put away all the groceries and cleaned up the rest of the kitchen from the day before (I brought food out to the field) and then ate a quick supper and went to the fair! It was really hot but it was lots of fun. I only got some pictures because the batter on my camera died! I charged it all day, or so I thought.. but I charged it on an outlet that you need to turn a switch for it to work, and I didn't do that. So i was really bummed, but at least I got a few pictures of maddy, which is what i wanted since this is her first year that she has gotten to ride rides. And who knows, maybe we will go today for a little bit since peter hasn't been there. While we were there though, the sirens started going off because we were under a tornado warning and bad weather was coming from argyle to warren.

When I got home, a snack was given and they were to bed as quickly as we could since it was 9:30 already. Yesterday I bought this couples devotional book-- we had tried doing an actual bible study together, but since I am already in a bible study and we both want to do our own additional reading, it ended up being way too much reading for us both and we dont have hours to read in the bible. So i picked out this, probably 20 minute devotional where we read and then it has about 3 deep questions we answer, and then we both pray - which is so much better than praying in the dark. Like one of the questions in our first day was something like, "what are things you are not praising God for that he is doing in your life?" and we thought about it, and came up with just the safety each day that we are not always attentive to give God glory to, and a few other things. well, i have to get ready for church now.... more later!

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