
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mini Photo Shoot

On Sunday, we had a mini photo shoot with the girls. I must have taken about 100 pictures, but I just wanted one to turn out! I got a couple of good ones. Yes, Peter is home now and now that I look back on the weekend, it went by pretty fast. I know it would have been soo long if I had not tried to keep myself busy. Emily came over yesterday to watch the girls. I got lots of stuff done! I took the time to clean the leather couches, which is not the funnest job, but at least I got all the milk spots out. Then I made bars for the weekend... I plan to freeze them. Since Thursday is our actual anniversary, I think tomorrow I will make the mini carrot cupcakes with the mascarpone cheese frosting. It is better made the day ahead anyway, i think.  And then I will be making two pulled pork roasts for the weekend and we plan to have steak for supper. So I will be busy cooking unfortunately the day before we leave. I will try my best to keep the house clean so we dont have to come back to a messy house!  

I guess my plan was to ask my sister to babysit on thursday so we can have an actual anniversary meal without interruption of whining children. But she is unavailable. It makes me sad that my family, especially my mom, don't really see the kids all that often--their choice. When my girls have kids, Lord willing, I dont care what peter says... I am going to be available to them when they need help!!

Here's the pictures from Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. such ADORABLE pictures Kristen! You have such beautiful girls! :)
