
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 4, Final Day

Well, I made it. This year for sure went better than most  years... mainly because I kept really busy. I always had something to do, whether it was going for walks, or events, or etc. Going to the wedding yesterday really helped break up the day. I am writing even though Peter is not home yet, but i have a feeling tonight I will be exhausted and will not want to blog when he is home.

This morning I did end up going to church. I just didn't want to spend my morning doing nothing, especially on a Sunday. So i took my chances and I actually had time to spare! It was hard at times being on the bleachers and the sun was beating down on us. I forgot to  bring sunscreen. Luckily my friend Amy from church entertained Kate at times so she wasn't too completely bored. Then I left and ate lunch at the fair. But it was so windy that things and money were flying everywhere. I had to dodge food in my mouth because my hair would block my mouth!It was interesting, but fun. The girls are taking their nap, and I uploaded a bunch of photos to facebook.

After this weekend I am sooo looking forward to next weekend. On the 15th we are celebrating our 5th year anniversary and going to the cities for a couple days (alone!!!).   I am nervous for the girls cause it's maddy's first time overnight without us... so I am praying that goes well. I think it will go well because Emily usually watches them on Mondays, and so she and Cheryll will both be home to entertain them on that day anyway. If anything, Emily could take them to our house for naps, if they refuse, or maybe even overnight one night if it goes terribly bad.  Oh yeah, be sure to listen to KFNW (1200 AM) on Tuesday the 13th, I think you might hear peter and my name on there!

1 comment:

  1. Kristen, this is the first time I'm reading your blog... and I love it!
