
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spiritual Gifts

Ahh.  Feeling so refreshed. I just wept in church today because I felt so thankful for being able to be excited in Gods word.  This church has been so uplifting in our lives. Even kate is asking to go to church. (I know it is to play, but she enjoys going!)  Today we talked about spiritual gifts and "Gang Tackle".  Pastor Steve really explained it well; we can't all do EVERYTHING. Different people are given different gifts, and together we can make a difference.  Pastor's ability is to teach and entertain while drawing in an audience. He needs the people of the congregation such as trustees, deacons, music committee, etc. to help him with the church service. He can't do all of that himself. That's what makes a successful church; people willing to work together, to use their gifts to serve!

If you are a believer, what gifts do you believe have been given to you?  According to Romans 12: 6-8, the gifts are: Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Encouraging, Leadership, Giving, & Showing Mercy.  It is a great reminder to be intentionally using these gifts on a daily basis. Especially when sometimes I feel like I am trying hard to make a difference and the world rejects my attempts. I guess I just need to keep trying.  And that is where I enjoyed an answered prayer, just today.  Through this church, I wanted to surround myself with those who really love the Lord like I do and can be an encouragement to me.

 Lots of things happened today at church:
  1. I asked to sing in the worship team
  2. Work is being done to start a morning bible study this summer, once a week, and perhaps WITH childcare for those who attend our church!
  3. I'm going to a Women's meeting this Tuesday with a bible study and prayer time
  4. Thursday is National Prayer day and our church is offering one hour slots to come pray, and I get to go; my time is at 8pm
  5. I am going to host a progressive supper in a couple weeks. I am so excited about that.
So, lots of things to be excited for, plus next Monday and Tuesday I have my photography classes offered in Crookston that I am hoping I get to go to. It has been planned for a few months so I am hoping it works out. I know that if I am consistant in being in the bible and praying diligently that God will get me through this life, and all the daily Satanic attacks.  It's so hard to feel alone, and especially rejected for just being myself,  but I guess situations like that draw us closer to God.

I wanted to download some pictures from my camera but honestly I am too lazy and it really slows down my computer to load Photoshop (so many pictures) so maybe sometime this week.  This week I am meeting with a gal from church on Tuesday, Thursday is Maddy's year appointment finally, then 10th and 11th is my photoclass, and 13th is Kate's dentist appointment. She has to get one filling, possibly two (one is really small). Be praying for us to know what to do. We havent heard great things about this dentist and was advised to switch, but we had a good experience last time. We dont know what to do especially since this appointment will be a BIG one... she did great though last time.   Until later, 

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