
Saturday, May 1, 2010


So lucky.  I've been blessed to have a great week so far. Thursday night was date night and decided to watch a movie since Peter didnt have to work Friday.  It was awesome to spend time with him and start the weekend so early. Friday I kept the house clean which is always a good goal to have and accomplish and even got to make a page of Kate's scrapbook while peter watched the kids upstairs.  I will post that sometime this weekend.  Then he got to work on the swingset the rest of the time, and started putting up/building the beams that attatch the swings and etc.  He will need someone to help lift it up today though.

Then at 3:30 we left for Grand Forks. We got home at 11!  I took a look at some sewing machines that I might get some day, and then we went to the Christian Book store and got a few things. I looked at some bikes, we went to eat at Mikes Pizza, then went to scheels to look at more bikes, then to the mall where I got some things for the girls and peter and I each got a thing or two of clothing.  Then we went to Sams and to Target.  I was planning to get a bike there but...that didn't happen. I didnt realize how expensive bikes were.

Today we are going to go to Wilsons Green house with the kids to get mulch and also to just look around.  Then peter will work on the swingset today, and I am not sure what else we are going to do.  I would like to scrapbook a bit more when the kids nap. it helps to get paper together and the picture, just to have ideas in at least before I start scrapbooking.  Anyway, better go. I am SOOO looking forward to church tomorrow! I just love having that feeling. I just am so thankful that we started going to that church. It makes me feel alive!!

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