
Friday, May 28, 2010

Lots to do

Today I have many goals. Get some laundry done, upload photos, cut material for kate's quilt, and possibly stain a few grills in the door. I am almost done with it. I also want to work on a rough draft for Kate's birthday invitation. I realize I cannot get all this done during naptime but I want to do a little of each, as I have so much projects going on at once!  As the pictures were uploading I cut 4 peices of kate's fabric into 12 sections for her quiilt. So i am getting double done at one time. 

In the previous post I talked about Aria. If anyone feels on their heart to donate to her family, you can contact (Aria's father)  They are doing some fundraising this weekend, so pray that it would be successful. Also, all this rain and wind is really discouraging. Pray that we wouldnt get much, if any, rain this weekend. We don't need it at all. Yet, I am confident God will provide, even if this isnt what we want.
Also, last night I was with some ladies at church and met for supper in Hallock, and went to the green house to get some planting tips and to shop around a bit. I got a rose bush for the backyard and some vegetables for our brand new garden! Hopefully the rain will clear up so we can plant it soon.

I did a little picture taking this week. Here they are! None are edited, b/c photoshop could not be downloaded on our upstairs computer.Some need to be lightened, and some need to be toned down. One is a card I made recently, and the next is our growing flower bed in our front yard. Everything is getting huge!

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures turned out really nice! I like the lighting in ones from our walk!
