
Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Over the last week or two I have been praying for this little girl named Aria.  I found out about this little girl from a friend at church.  This couple had her in Japan. Keiko, her mother and Brooke, her father were waiting for papers for Keiko so they could move to the US.  Now, they are living in Japan and little Aria has been in the hospital since birth. I dont know the full story but apparently Aria does not breathe deep enough, especially when she is asleep.  She had some tubing going down her throat, and now she is wearing a mask, which I read is better for her, since a tracheostomy is possible. At one point, b/c of the tubing-her throat swelled up, leaving her to pass out and unable to breathe.   If you would just join me in praying for her, that God would touch and heal her and that she would have strength and can go home soon. Also just pray for her parents... for the rest they need, for their financial situation and just for peace and trust.  My heart is heavy for her, and I hope yours is too.

 "O Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You have healed me.” (Psalm 30:2) 

“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16)


  1. You captured Aria beautifully! I will find out from Aria's grandma about the question you asked me today.
    Isn't she beautiful?

  2. I'm Aria's grandma, thank you so much for loving our sweet baby. It's wonderful to know so many people are praying for her and her parents. It's been a roller coaster but I have to believe some day she will be whole and free. Thank you again God Bless you.

    Joyce Chelmo
