
Friday, February 19, 2010

No Date Night!

Hi.  Today is Friday, which is usually a date night for us. But due to an exhausting week, we are skipping it.  Also, the winter olympics are on.  No really, we're going to bed early. Today I went to my appointment in Grand Forks (finally) after 6 months of having to reschedule (long story).  It went ok.  We went to Target and Sams Club to purchase a whole bunch of formula/milk/cereal, etc for the Haiti drive that I had mentioned. So far, 5 people have contacted me to donate.  PTL!!!  I will be going again on Tuesday I believe to make some more purchases and then to the Covenant Church in GF to drop off.  I am so thrilled. I hope I am making the right amount of purchases. I have contacted a couple ladies who are in charge, and one that has been to Haiti. I hope she will reply to let me know what they need *most*.

I was going to post some pictures of my quilting project. I did on facebook, but I suppose I could on here too, since some dont have facebook.  Here they are:

The top two were my "lessons" from my mother in law. I have never quilted before (post home-ec) so this was a neat experience. I learned most when I had to do it on my own. Cheryll had left to Arizona and I was responsible to do some cutting myself. Then I went to "quilting" in Stephen, where a bunch of ladies get together and quilt all day -- literally. They even would bring lunch and suppers! I got to go a couple times after 3pm when Peter was done with work on the slow I havent gotten much done. But i am starting to sew more now, as you can see in the pictures.  I dont really care how long it takes me. It is fun to do it when I can. Maybe I will learn enough to make one for Maddy all by myself!

1 comment:

  1. what cute fabric you picked out!! cant wait to see it all completed!
