
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Haiti Relief

I was planning to take a nap today since both kids are down at the same time, successfully. Then I changed my mind into doing my bible study. Instead, I am crying over Haiti.

I know that my blog is small and do not have many readers, but I wish I could be some type of outreach in my community. I wish that somehow people could be interested in donating or helping out in some way. I wish that I could be in Haiti...but I know that I can't go, and even if I went, it would be terribly hard to leave. Peter and I were on Samaritans Purse's website last night. After about 2 or so months, maybe 3 months of really praying and trying to decide where we could donate more money to, we hadnt really come up with anything. So at that time, we knew we just had to be patient. Previously, God laid on my heart that we needed to donate infant formula to babies in Africa. That was an answer to prayer. Some other opportunities came up around that time so we did donate to those, but still nothing really was popping out at us. Then we heard about the earthquake in Haiti and though it was not 100% certain to me, I knew we would donate there.

Ever since then it seems like each day I have just had such a softened heart toward Haiti. The last few days I have been asking people a lot of questions because I want to make sure our money will be used for the people. At Samaritans Purse, they use it for water filtration systems, for food... etc. So we feel really good about donating through them.  I also found out about the Lacey Hewitt foundation, who is at Haiti right now and has been there since August. They need money for building supplies for their orphanage. That video link I posted is that same village. It made me cry several times. In order to house more orphans, they need to rebuild their orphanage. We are also donating towards infant formula.   It makes me sick that I am so happy here, when others are dying and suffering. 

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that they may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,' says the Lord of hosts, "if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows'" (Mal. 3:10)

Test God.  Give more than you can manage, and see how He responds.

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