
Saturday, May 25, 2019

There is nothing I lack..

Its 10:30 and I am sipping some coffee.  My kids are listening to some christian music, and the farmers have finished planting.  We are so grateful. I'm trying to think if there's anything worthy to share 😁   - it might be easier to share as a bullet list

  • went to the cities for blood tests and appointments
  • my sister in law had a baby while we were gone!
  • we started siding the house
  • I planted some flowers
  • I became a distributor of Organo Coffee 
  • my back is finally feeling better after doing cart-wheels
  • I mowed our grass for the first time
  • planning out a slab for driveway and possible basketball hoop soon!
  • Ella lost her first front tooth. Its a sign to me of getting old 😭
  • We are not done with school 😦
  • The inside glass of my new oven is already dirty 😱
  • I just cleaned it (the new ovens are 100% easier to take apart!)
  • sleeping has been 95% better (besides the last two nights)

it sure has been a long year so far, and it is only May.  

Photos I've Taken
Maddy got a new smurf and had to celebrate its' birthday

Our kitchen

What our laundry looks like. Yes, we got the old fashioned washer and dryers! 

Siding started. Can't wait to see what it will look like! 

In The Kitchen

snacks for the workers
AIP meal for me! 

Individual pizzas for the rest

Things I'm Learning
 This comes as no surprise, but i am stuck in the reactive mode. I'm not sure how this comes about, but our bodies get used to stress all the time. Sometimes we get stuck in this "Red Zone" as they call it.   Our bodies were made to be in the Green zone (rest & digest) and sometimes of course we fall into the Red Zone from stressors in life. We were also made to return to the Green zone (Response) shortly after. When our bodies have trouble returning to the Green Zone, that is where illness enters.  According to this chart,  if I were in a healthy mindset, I would view the world as protective, sufficient, inclusive.  Instead, I view it as dangerous, dissatisfied.  And it's true!  I fear for the health of my children with food,  illness,  etc.   My Bodily systems are wearing down, my health is pathogenic, my central experience is definitely fear, frustration and heartache.  Ive known all these things, but to see it on paper is extremely helpful. 

This definitely isn't a christian book! It actually talks about evolution.  However, I'm still taking quite a bit of helpful information away from this book and filtering out what's untrue.  One thing that I read that was helpful is that when we are in this Reactive Mode, we often view life as lacking.  We all have needs, and if we believe we are lacking in any of those needs... well its self explanatory!  Negativity comes in.

"When our brain is not disturbed by threat, loss or rejection, it settles into a resting state. "

That is where focussing on the good comes in.  Our mind switches from what we lack, to what we have.  Our stress becomes rest.

Psalm 23:
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack

Lord, teach me! 

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