
Monday, October 20, 2014

Homeschool Week 9

Ok, so I am not exactly posting weekly, but hey, this is better than last year. When I get a spare moment and make time for a blog post, I do. And so I am.

In my life this week…

So, this week isn't too full. I felt like last week was a very busy week with potentially something going on every day if I let it. I tried to chose activities wisely, and I never really ended up too tired. I happened to have done a lot of dishes.  This week I'm trying to wash sheets, tackle summer clothes, put away old coats and sandals/shoes, vacuum, try to find where on earth I put our winter hats..... no luck yet!  Peter and I started a marriage bible study on our own.. we opted to not participate in our own bible studies, but focus on our marriage and our family. The kids are so little. We want to make our Yes's the best possible.  WE ARE DONE WITH BEETS.

In our homeschool this week…

We are learning about bones, joints, and ligaments. I hope to do at least one craft related to that! (Lord help  me find the time!) I have a home school meeting tonight which I am really excited about, and gymnastics.  Maddy  has been doing EXCELLENT with her reading!! It's going so fast now... she's really getting it, and I am THRILLED!  We are also doing a lot of memory work, and I am so encouraged today to have read psalm 150 (the girls already know some of it!) and Romans 6:23, which they also know.  We don't even have to memorize it -- because we already know it! I am just so thankful. 

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Gymnastics of course. It's finally the last one. Don't get me wrong, I am super glad they have been able to go, it's just expensive and a weekly trip to GF is getting expensive! Now that i've gotten used to it, though, it will be hard to not go to get our weekly salad and strawberries. And eggs. And avocados. Those are my staple foods. Seriously.  If i'm out, i'm really sad!  We're going to try to help out some friends from another church this week by making some meals, so that might be in our future too. We also hope to spend the weekend together as a family, just have some good old fun!


My favorite thing this week was...

We happened to go out into the woods with the girls. I normally don't enjoy walking in the woods, mostly because whenever we do, it's cold. But this time it was nice, and it was good for me to get some fresh air. I feel like since I've been homeschooling, I really haven't been able to get outside much. Between trying to catch up with chores and meals, I'm pretty lucky to have gone outside. Plus, I'm allergic to cold. 

I also really enjoyed having a date with Peter. We just went out to lunch and talked. Our relationship has been growing the last couple of weeks, and it is a nice change. We are making it a priority, spending time together, going on dates, making plans for trips... and just spending time together reflecting our duties as christians. 

Things I'm working on...

I'm working on ways I can show the girls how to serve, memorizing scripture, reading more books, and trying to be a better encourager in my marriage. Well, in general. I'm sending more notes, more texts, more verbal encouragements. If the thought comes to my mind, I do it. I try not to wait... or else I write it down so that I am accountable to it. I'm also working on pride. I realized I have an issue with it. And lots of times honestly I feel like it's not even me that thinks of it. The thought just pops in my head, and I quickly to try get it out. Obviously Satan knows this is something I am working on. I want a good balance of confidence, yet not too much;  I don't want to have a low, depressing self esteem either, so I am working on a balance. It's amazing what a humble attitude can do.  Your heart isn't so hard to apologize when due, and you make time to serve others than yourself. 

Shopping date with peter


Things I'm cooking...

Baking a lot, as usual. Scones, bars, cookies, -- trying to stay healthy though! 


A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)  sorry, i dont know how to flip the pictures.



still working out!




Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Homeschool Weeks 2-5

In my life this week… 

I've been very overwhelmed. I've had so much on my plate, yet I've been able to, with Gods strength, pull it off! I'm so grateful to God for his vision and his wisdom, and his passion in me to get my work done. With baking, cooking and
bringing meals out, school, packing, church responsibilities, it was about time for a break. I just didn't know I needed one until I got one.  It wasn't my idea, and I was completely resistant, but Peter was persistent in taking us to Minneapolis for a couple of days. And though I felt stressed at how it would set me back in school, house duties, and etc, I went along. It was an answer to prayer, really. We needed to get away for our marriage, too. Every marriage needs a re-charge. And we sure got one. I'm so thankful, I was moved to tears. 

In our homeschool this week…

I feel like it's not fair to comment on this one because we've had one day so far (today is Wednesday) but I did catch them up on their reading before I left, so all they had were their worksheets to do, which grandma so graciously helped them with. Plus she washed all their clothes, which was a huge help! It was hard to get back in it; not for me, but for the kids. That's to be expected. Sometimes its hard because they expect a lot of playing time, and because we school at home, its hard for them to resist that temptation. It has been really fun, though, to go through flashcards with math, and really seeing them 'get it'. I never was good at math, so my goal, with Gods help, is to really set a GOOD, SOLID foundation for them so they will not have as much trouble later on in their schooling career. 

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

We went to Minneapolis like I stated before, from late Sunday to early Tuesday. both Sunday and Tuesday were driving only days. No stops. So Monday we just took it all in and tried to enjoy as best as possible. We shopped, had coffee dates, went to a baseball game, and visited fun restaurants. I also spent some time reading in the car to both of us. That was a good way for us to gain knowledge in marriage and parenting. We're also doing gymnastics this year. Weekly visits have been fun; not tiring yet, unless you have to rush home and make supper! 

The WEDDING! I almost forgot! We celebrated my youngest sister's wedding last week! It was perfect.


My favorite thing this week was... 

Our whole trip to the cities. All of it. It was a dream! 

Things I'm working on...

I'm working on drinking more water. I just bought a new Camelbak and I'm hoping this will help! I'm working on being a woman who shows honor to god in all she does, who honors her husband and who's children calls her blessed. (see Proverbs 31)  Basically the whole chapter is what i'm working on. Also being intentional about my time. Using it wisely. Investing in the kids. Support for my husband. Taking care of my home but not tiring myself out. 

Things I'm cooking...

 Pumpkin donuts. Lots of crockpot meals, cookies to the right! LOTS of cookies, bars, muffins, etc for church. I made a round steak(swiss steak) tonight with a homemade gravy instead of the traditional tomato type sauce. It was really good. 






A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of School

Today was our first day of homeschool. Officially.  I had gotten my curriculum in July and made sure to test it out before we started.  Boy, I am sure glad that I did!  It would have been completely overwhelming if I hadn't. There is so much.  So very much to go through. I actually had to toss out one of my spelling programs because it was just too much.  I even ran out of time today. 

It is so much different than last year.  Not just because Maddy is now in kindergarten, but Kate still just needs so much attention. Each lesson is new, so it requires actual teaching. Last year, there was one big lesson, and the rest of the week was review. This year it seems like I have to teach new concepts each time, and not just for one subject, but almost all of them! So every subject seems to take 45 minutes.  This is leaving me having to balance things out just perfectly and feeling like I really have to be working and moving and "doing" every part of the day. Once I slack, I get behind. So, obviously that won't last very long, so I am working on how we can make that work. 

I am really seeking Gods wisdom in all of this.  The how's, the when's, the what's, especially.  What do I teach.... do I have too much? Too little?  I love that we can spend time on the things that they just do not get. Extra time that they wouldn't have in school.   I also think it will take a bit for all of us to get used to all this school stimulation.  Here's some highlights from the last few days.

3rd annual dirt cake as their first day of school snack.

"welcome back to school"

finished Charlottes Webb! We got to watch the movie.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Making Time

It has been entirely too long.  A friend of mine stirred me to get going again. Really, I love to blog. Especially when I have readers! And especially when I can talk about encouraging things, like what's happening in our homeschool world.  It's so fun to look back on, and for the first time in a year or so, I looked back on some of the recent posts I had done; and it made me so happy! It made me feel that I had done something right.

Blogging makes me really uneasy at times. Knowing that some who know you might read it and judge. My hope is to encourage and to build others up through this blog and maybe even along the way, I might have some good ideas to pass along too. So here goes... We start school in about two weeks! (formally)   Lately we have been doing school here and there to get used to it, and to refresh. I thought it was also important to try to get a little cushion room for when we take trips and enjoy life together.   So here's my plea.  I want to make time for this! I want to make time for photos.  But I also don't want condemnation when I can't. But I certainly want to.

Our reading nook

We go here for devotions

summer picnics

Start of harvest!

Garden lettuce

First time sushi! LOVE!

Preparing for school

Coffee... a must

Fair time

First time English Muffins

Family Reunions

Favorite sandwhich

Hat wishlist
