
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of School

Today was our first day of homeschool. Officially.  I had gotten my curriculum in July and made sure to test it out before we started.  Boy, I am sure glad that I did!  It would have been completely overwhelming if I hadn't. There is so much.  So very much to go through. I actually had to toss out one of my spelling programs because it was just too much.  I even ran out of time today. 

It is so much different than last year.  Not just because Maddy is now in kindergarten, but Kate still just needs so much attention. Each lesson is new, so it requires actual teaching. Last year, there was one big lesson, and the rest of the week was review. This year it seems like I have to teach new concepts each time, and not just for one subject, but almost all of them! So every subject seems to take 45 minutes.  This is leaving me having to balance things out just perfectly and feeling like I really have to be working and moving and "doing" every part of the day. Once I slack, I get behind. So, obviously that won't last very long, so I am working on how we can make that work. 

I am really seeking Gods wisdom in all of this.  The how's, the when's, the what's, especially.  What do I teach.... do I have too much? Too little?  I love that we can spend time on the things that they just do not get. Extra time that they wouldn't have in school.   I also think it will take a bit for all of us to get used to all this school stimulation.  Here's some highlights from the last few days.

3rd annual dirt cake as their first day of school snack.

"welcome back to school"

finished Charlottes Webb! We got to watch the movie.



  1. Happy first couple weeks of school to the girls! Homeschooling sounds like multi-tasking to the extreme but you pull it off so well because you are seeking God's wisdom :)

    P.S. I love the dirt-cake you made for them. I should try that one for Eli some day. He would love making a mess of that one!

  2. Amy, I have been thinking about your comment ever since you posted it, and I wanted you to know how much that meant to me. It really blessed me, thank you!
