
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Homeschool, Week 19

I think we are on week 19... I'm not quite sure. This past week, homeschooling went really well. I felt like God really blessed our time and gave me wisdom on exactly what to read and teach, and I felt it was fruitful. We are starting to apply some of the scripture we read. Ella cooperated, for the most part- and I got help from my mother in law and from Peter this week... and that is probably why it went extra well :)

This week I've tried to get a little extra grip on organization. Now that our tree is down... it has really bugged me all the places in our home that are extremely full of clutter and mess. So this week, when I got the chance, I organized.  First I did our craft closet. Then Ella's room (shelves, clothing, etc)  I then, with Peters help, tackled the fridge. We cleaned out everything. Wiped down everything. Tossed things. Then, so I could finish a craft project with the girls, Peter finished the bottom half of the fridge and by noon we were done. He also cleaned out the garage and our laundry is pretty much under control.  I felt like Peter was a rock star yesterday and I told him that, several, several times.

I'm feeling a great sadness as I remember all the photos taken in previous years. It's also my goal now to take more pictures AND edit them! Sure, I might fall behind but I need to try. The memories are so precious to me and I find great joy looking back on the things we did. It stirs up a lot of emotions.

Goodies for Church

Broccoli Slaw Spaghetti! YUM!

Filling Boston Cream Pie Cupcakes

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