
Friday, September 13, 2013

Home-school Weekly Journal

In our homeschool this week…

  Well, we got through it. We did.  Each day I held my breath and God provided! We made it! Another week done.  We had some good moments... I am pleased with our devotions we do each day, Maddy's progress with sound recognition and penmanship, and Kate is getting back into the swing of things with reading. She is also learning new things in math is has been fun to see.


Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

We have been mostly at home trying to get school done... but at night we've gone for walks, to the park, and spent time with dad.  That has been fun and it reminded me a lot of last year-- those times were so incredibly special.  We went to MOPS on Thursday and the kids played and I had an encouraging meeting. We got groceries, came home, and we are now enjoying the weekend. 



My favorite thing this week was...

doing our banana craft and working on our bite size banana bites. 

Things I'm working on......

I'm working on memorizing scripture more, being a {more} praying parent and wife, and being more gentle. I'm also working on food choices.



Things I'm cooking...

Beef Stew with Biscuits


School outside

button sorting

Enjoying dad

canned salsa





I’m grateful for…

Gods grace! His vision. His encouragement. His wisdom. His loving hand.

I'm praying for.....

 the kids and their discernment, peer pressure in the future, that they'd make wise choices and that they'd be teachable. That they'd soak in all that is being taught, especially gods word. 

A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…

my instagram photo book! so excited!

healthy snacks

tired Ella

Biscuit making

goodbye to our summer help

6:30 a.m. - running stairs


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